Transformation happens through people but it doesn't happen automatically. It requires a specific approach and implementation.
At Self, we believe in and implement a transformation that is person-centered. We work with people. We awaken human potential to adapt, create, to innovate. To put it simply, we aim to humanize organizations.
Therefore, if the process of transformation is centered on people, this is where the organization must put in the initial efforts knowing that this is a marathon, not a sprinter.
To absorb and become consistent with the Essence, the organization needs to focus on both the individual and organizational levels.
At the individual level, the focus is on mindset, skills, and behaviors that are coherent with the organization's Essence.
The key step at this point is how to translate those values proclaimed by the organization into concrete actions that its people can identify, feel the importance of, and do. Values without actions are mere aspirations.
Keep in mind that values are not goals.
They serve as guidance instead of constraints. We can use a value to help align our actions in the right direction. They are also dynamic.
The organizational level is more related to revising how coherent is the Essence with existing components of its culture. Here the focus is on the Leadership model, the structure & the decision-making process, the operational policies (norms, rules, procedures), the ways of working (internal communication, rituals, meetings), and in general the working environment (behaviors, psychological safety, etc.).
The individual level focuses on how the organization’s values can be translated into concrete behaviors and attitudes that the people act upon. When we talk about people it includes leadership roles, employees, and collaborators (freelancers, interns, etc.) because they are the organization, thus they must project to the exterior what is included in the Essence.
Let’s put it simply, any organization exists because of its people. Therefore, acting and behaving coherently is the only way to move forward with what the organization strategically has decided.
The transformation has to happen from within.
And that’s why the organization must also walk in the same direction that is asking its people to walk. This implies that all the policies, norms, procedures, internal communication, and other organizational aspects must be revised and adapted to coherently with all the words and manifestos proclaimed loudly. The organization must transform internally not only demand change from its people.